- Policies and Basic Concepts
- Supply Chain CSR Action Guidelines
- Product and Supplier Management (Food Business)
Policies and Basic Concepts
The supply chain is the lifeline and the foundation for creating value for the Inabata Group. We recognize the supply chain as a priority issue, which is highlighted in the Group materiality as “providing value through resilience in procurement and supply functions.” Our suppliers are important partners in creating value. We aim for mutual growth by working together to solve environmental and social issues.
Supply Chain CSR Action Guidelines
We have established the Inabata Supply Chain CSR Action Guidelines as we consider it important to share values and aim for the same goals with our suppliers, who are partners in value creation. We aim to realize a sustainable society by cooperating with all stakeholders in the supply chain.
Supply Chain CSR Action Guidelines
Inabata & Co., Ltd. has formulated these Supply Chain CSR Action Guidelines in response to the social expectation for companies to fulfill CSR in their supply chain management.
We would like to seek understanding of the following items from our trading partners and other stakeholders, and solicit cooperation in their implementation.
- 1. To respect human rights, and avoid inhumane treatment including discrimination, harassment, cruelty, and child labor.
- 2. To respect employees' right to organize and right of collective bargaining.
- 3. To prevent forced labor and unfair low-wage labor.
- 4. To provide employees with a safe, sanitary, and healthy work environment, to prepare emergency countermeasures for dealing with disasters and accidents, and to publicize these countermeasures so that they are known by all concerned parties.
- 5. To work to prevent environmental problems through measures on biodiversity and global warming.
- 6. To observe all domestic and foreign laws, to engage in fair business transactions, and to strive to prevent corruption.
- 7. To work to ensure and maintain the quality and safety of products and services.
- 8. To protect information assets from an information security perspective.
- 9. To disclose information regarding the above items in a timely and appropriate manner.
Product and Supplier Management (Food Business)
The food business in the Life Industry segment relates directly to the safety and health of consumers and is thus required to exhibit high levels of product and supplier control.
We conduct strict product and supplier control to provide safe and secure agricultural and marine products from all over the world under the motto of “from visible producers to visible consumers.” When starting transactions with a supplier, we carry out basic surveys such as interviews and audits to find out if the supplier possesses international certifications. When importing food, our procurement workflow requires confirmation that pesticide usage and residual pesticides meet Japanese standards, among other matters.