Policies and Basic Concepts

The Inabata Group makes every effort to minimize adverse effects on human health and the environment, principally by preventing air, water, and soil pollution, reducing the discharge of and properly processing hazardous waste and pollutants, and managing chemical substances appropriately. We also strive for resource circulation by using sustainable resources, minimizing the amounts of resources we use, reducing waste, promoting recycling, and taking other measures.

As shown in our materiality issues of “contributing to a decarbonized and circular society” and “sustainable use of natural capital,” we focus our efforts on realizing a circular economy through our business.

System (Governance)

Please refer to the System (Governance) section on the Environmental Management page.

Waste Management and Recycling

Built on the environmental management system, we strictly comply with the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act and other laws and regulations, and work to reduce the amount of, and recycle, waste generated by our business activities. To address improper waste disposal, we have introduced electronic manifests while ensuring compliance with the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act through periodic environmental audits.

In our offices, we promote a variety of initiatives such as practicing thorough waste sorting, introducing an in-office paper recycler, and promoting a paperless office environment. When outsourcing waste disposal, we do our utmost to choose companies that recycle collected waste.

Taking Part in Collaborations

We promote initiatives to realize a circular economy by participating in domestic and international collaborations and working together with a wide range of stakeholders.

Main Initiatives: Introduction of PaperLab, a Dry-Process In-Office Paper Recycler

In 2019, we introduced a dry-process (waterless) in-office paper recycler named PaperLab. The system enables us to recycle paper in the office by using our waste copy paper as raw material. We work hard to reduce waste by increasing the rate of paper recycling at our company.

PaperLab, a dry-process in-office paper recycler

Main Initiatives: Waste Separation

If waste generated in the office is simply thrown out, it becomes garbage. However, waste becomes a resource again when it is properly sorted and recycled. At Inabata, we promote recycling and reduce waste by thoroughly sorting waste at the office.

Major waste categories
  • Confidential document disposal boxes
  • Quality paper
  • Miscellaneous paper
  • Magazines and pamphlets
  • Cans
  • Glass bottles
  • Plastic bottles
  • Paper cups
  • Waste plastic
  • Burnable waste
Sorting waste at the Tokyo Head Office

Materials Recycling Business