Information Security

Promotion of Digital Transformation (DX)

Information Security

Policies and Basic Concepts

The Inabata Group recognizes the importance of information security. With the aim of protecting the Group’s information assets from information security risks, we have established principles concerning information security in our Information Security Policy. We have also established information management procedures and prepared manuals for all employees. We review our policy continuously to flexibly adapt to emerging risks and technologies.


We have established the Information Security Working Committee as a subordinate organization of the Compliance Committee, which is chaired by the president. Information security administrators appointed in each sales division and administrative offices regularly report to the Information Security Working Committee on the status of compliance with policy, rules and manuals.

In addition, we have established a security incident response team (IK-SIRT*) to respond quickly and accurately to increasingly sophisticated security incidents, and are strengthening information sharing both internally and externally.

*IK-SIRT: A term combining the Group’s symbol “IK” and an acronym for “Security Incident Response Team.”


The Information Security Working Committee periodically conducts information security awareness training for all of our officers and employees, including contract employees, temporary employees, employees seconded to other companies, and employees seconded from other companies.

Training material about information security for new employees

Information Security in Internal Infrastructure

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the promotion of workstyle reforms, work in remote environments has increased rapidly. In order to tackle these challenges, in addition to traditional antivirus software, we have introduced an endpoint security system that monitors the behavior of devices. Monitoring is performed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by an external security operations center (SOC).

Promotion of Digital Transformation (DX)

One of the main priority measures in the Inabata Group’s medium-term business plan NC2023 is “enhancement of global management information infrastructure.” The improvement of information security and the promotion of DX are two essential parts of our efforts.

DX Strategy Basic Policy

Further enhancement of global management information infrastructure
  • We will strive to adapt to new technological trends, achieve further digitalization, and transform and streamline operations (DX initiatives).
  • We will establish a global management information infrastructure that supports enhancement of security, business continuity planning, and new workstyles.

Systems and Human Resources

Renewal of the information system department; promotion of securing and developing digital human resources

In April 2022, in order to further promote DX, we selected business leaders from each sales division for a company-wide project. We are developing human resources who can analyze management information. Furthermore, we have renewed the existing information system department into an organization focused on DX.

DX Certification System

In March 1, 2023 We have been certified as a DX business operator under the DX Certification System* established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (“METI”).

*The DX Certification System is based on the Act on Facilitation of Information Processing. The national certification initiative certifies companies that are recognized as ready to promote digital transformation, and meet the basic requirements specified in the "Digital Governance Code."

DX Certification System(METI)