Policies and Basic Concepts

As a corporation with global operations, the Inabata Group recognizes that responding to global environmental issues, such as climate change, resource circulation, and biodiversity, is one of the most important issues for management. In fact, one of the topics highlighted in our Sustainability Code of Conduct is environmental conservation.

In addition to complying with environmental laws and regulations, we endeavor to reduce the environmental load of our business activities and deliver environmental businesses that contribute to realizing a sustainable society in order to pass on a resource-rich earth to the next generation. With these goals in mind, we work to continuously improve our environmental management system.

Inabata Group Sustainability Code of Conduct

4. Environmental Conservation

We will earnestly address climate change and other environmental issues and take active steps to protect the environment. Recognizing that our business activities affect the environment, we are implementing a comprehensive range of protective measures. These measures include reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other steps to respond to and mitigate climate change, managing energy usage, using resources efficiently, reducing waste, preventing pollution, managing chemical substances, conserving water resources, and preserving biodiversity.

We utilize an environmental management system to ensure that we comply with all environmental laws and regulations and take steps to appropriately monitor and manage the environmental impact of our activities.

We will contribute to environmental conservation through our business activities, such as by developing and selling products that help reduce the environmental footprint of our customers and society.

System (Governance)

The Inabata Group has established the Sustainability Committee, which formulates, authorizes, monitors, and reports to the Board of Directors on, policies and measures related to sustainability issues including climate change and environmental conservation. Convened at least once a year (plus extraordinary meetings as needed) in principle, the committee is chaired by the president with the director in charge of sustainability acting as vice-chair. The committee members are the directors and executive officers in charge of the four business segments and selected heads of administrative offices. In addition, outside directors, non-executive directors, and audit and supervisory officers participate as observers to verify the fairness and effectiveness of the committee and make recommendations as necessary.

The matters resolved by the Sustainability Committee are implemented and managed by the Sustainability Promotion Department, which serves as the committee’s secretariat and promotes the sustainability activities of the entire Group. The department collates, and provides the Sustainability Committee with, Group-wide sustainability information to support meaningful discussion at the committee, working together with Sustainability Promotion Members appointed from the sales divisions and selected administrative offices.

Environmental Management System

We have established an environmental management system compliant with ISO 14001. The results of annual activities under the environmental management system are reported to the president for top management review. The results are also included in the reports on business execution made by the director in charge of the administrative office responsible for ISO certification as provided for in the Regulations of the Board of Directors, and reported to the Board of Directors. Furthermore, to ensure that the entire company is engaged in environmental activities, we appoint a person in charge of ISO administration and an ISO leader for each sales division and administrative office.

The consolidated subsidiaries in Japan and overseas have also acquired ISO 14001 certification.

Certificate of Approval(Certification Renewal Date: Apr. 1, 2023)

Environmental Education

To promote environmental conservation activities across the company, it is important for officers and employees to understand and participate in environmental initiatives. Therefore, we strive to improve environmental awareness by implementing environmental education at every workplace and at all levels of the company. In May 2022, a lecture was given by Director Kenji Ohno, who concurrently serves as Managing Executive Officer in charge of sustainability at Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. A total of 44 personnel—directors (internal and outside), audit and supervisory board members (internal and outside), general managers, Sustainability Promotion Members, and the Sustainability Committee Secretariat staff—attended the lecture that focused on climate change issues, the plastic waste problem, and biodiversity conservation and recovery.