Inabata Group in 1 minute
Evolving Chemicals Business
Inabata Group in 1 minute
“Honesty is the only way to earn trust of society”
(Founder Katsutaro Inabata)
Inabata Group in 1 minute
Founder Katsutaro Inabata
established Inabata Senryoten in Kyoto.
This marked the beginning of Inabata & Co.
Inabata Group in 1 minute
Inabata Group is a trading firm offering multifaceted functions, operating worldwide with a major presence in Southeast Asia. Specialists in each location are ready to provide cutting-edge knowledge and solutions that work.
Inabata Group in 1 minute
About 1 in 7 Inabata & Co., Ltd
staffs are expats working outside of Japan
(As of March 31, 2024)
Inabata Group in 1 minute
Targeting sales of over 1 trillion yen, under the long-term “IK Vision 2030.”
Inabata Group in 1 minute
More than half of Inabata Group sales are generated outside of Japan.
Inabata Group in 1 minute
Inabata Group provides innovative solutions and services for information & electronics, chemicals, life industry, plastics businesses worldwide.