Strengthening businesses
in renewable energy, IoT, and other growth markets

Takuhiro IsoyamaGeneral Manager,
Information & Electronics Div. III
Products & Services
Sales Department I |
We sell various industrial products.
Sales department II |
We sell materials related to semiconductors and electronic devices, various industrial materials, and products in the energy storage field.
Sales Department III |
We sell products, materials, and environmental materials in the energy generation field.
Offering a wide range of materials and services for IoT business
The Information & Electronics Division III offers a wide range of products, from terminals used in the IoT to IoT-based services.
Basic process flow of IoT
The Sales Department I and II are engaged in business related to sensors and sensor materials, while the Sales Department III is developing business providing a series of IoT services.
For example, the following services are realized for electricity, water, and gas meter reading, which previously relied on manual labor.
The Information & Electronics Division III provides highly specialized solutions that cover a wide range of activities, from supplying raw and processing materials to manufacturing products, in various fields such as renewable energy-related items, batteries, semiconductors and electronics components, and industrial materials. We make meticulous efforts to meet clients needs. Our extensive global network enables us to source optimum materials. Our services include vendor managed inventory (VMI), utilizing our strengths as a trading company.
In the field of renewable energy, which is expected to be the energy source of the future, we are focusing on the business of electric power via solar power generation and biomass power generation, in addition to materials for solar cells. As part of our forward-thinking strategy, we are directing our efforts toward fuel cells and hydrogen generation equipment, aligning with the anticipated future of a hydrogen society. Furthermore, we are focusing on next-generation rechargeable batteries, such as lithium-ion batteries, which are the main power source for environmentally friendly electric automobiles.
We are also working on the IoT services business to make the tasks of “detecting how things are working” and “knowing the condition of things,” which had been dependent on manual labor, more efficient through IoT.
We will continue to strive to develop human resources with specialized knowledge and skill, as well as strengthen our global network. Our goal is to serve as a solution provider to resolve the problems faced by our clients.