Mid-term Management Plan
New Challenge 2026 (NC2026)
Toward Achieving Long-term IK Vision 2030

Inabata Group is promoting the "New Challenge 2026" mid-term management plan for the next three years, which is the third stage towards achieving our long-term vision "IK Vision 2030" by around 2030.

New Challenge 2026

Long-term Vision: IK Vision 2030

What Inabata envisions to be in years around 2030
Consolidated sales Achieving more than 1 trillion JPY in consolidated sales in early stage.
Enhance multifaceted capabilities Further enhancing multi-faceted capabilities such as manufacturing, logistics and finance, in addition to trading.
Business portfolio At least 1/3 of business from segments other than Information & Electronics and Plastics.
Overseas ratio 70% or more

【Formulated May 2017】

Mid-term Management Plan: NC2026

Three-year mid-term management plan, the third stage toward achieving our long-term vision

Please visit the PDF below for details on Mid-term Management Plan NC2026.

NC2026 Overview
Long-term Vision“IK Vision 2030”
Quantitative Targets
(Fiscal Year Ending March 2027)
Net Sales 950.0billion JPY
Operating Profit 27.0billion JPY
Ordinary Profit 26.0billion JPY
Profit attributable to owners of parent 19.0billion JPY
ROE 10% or more
Net D/E ratio 0.5 X or less
Equity ratio Approximately 50%

※Assumed exchange rate 1USD=145 JPY

Capital Allocation
1. Capital Allocation

The three-year capital allocation plan during the period of NC2026 is as below.

Three-year period from FY03/25 to FY03/27

2. Basic Policy on Shareholder Return

During NC2026,

  • 1) The actual amount of dividends paid in the previous fiscal year will be used as the lower limit for dividends per share, and the basic policy is to continuously increase the dividends without reducing them (Progressive dividends).
  • 2) The target for total return ratio is roughly 50%.
3. Strategic shareholdings reduction policy

Further reduce strategic shareholdings in the medium to long term, cutting the balance of strategic shareholdings at the end of March 2021 by about 80% by the end of March 2027.

NC2026 Key Strategy

Company-wide Growth Strategy

Long-term vision Strategy
Consolidated sales
Over ¥1 trillion
  • ・Approach: Expand earnings through proactive investment
  • ・Business domains: Expand environment-related business and life industry business such as food products
Enhance multifaceted capabilities
  • ・Differentiate and boost earnings by enhancing multifaceted capabilities (especially in manufacturing and logistics)
Business portfolio
  • ・Further develop key segments
    (Plastics, Information & Electronics)
  • ・Establish earnings pillar on par with key segments
Overseas ratio
70% or more
  • ・Further develop high-growth areas (especially in India, Mexico, and the Americas, in addition to the existing Asia sites)
  • ・Move into untapped areas (e.g., Eastern Europe)

Management Base Strategy

Management base Strategy
  • ・Further improve capital efficiency and focus on shareholder returns, including paying progressive dividends
  • ・Implement measures to realize management conscious of cost of capital and share prices (achieve a share price level that regularly exceeds 1x P/B ratio as soon as possible)
  • ・Develop sustainability management as a foundation for company-wide promotion
    :Set and monitor strategies and KPIs/targets in line with materiality
Digital strategy
  • ・Enhance management information infrastructure and reinforce Group-wide security
Financial Results and Quantitative Targets
Financial Results and Quantitative Targets
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