- Policies and Basic Concepts
- Systems
- Promoting Active Roles for Women
- Helping Senior Employees Continue Working
- Developing National Staff
- Helping People with Disabilities Work
Policies and Basic Concepts
As global competition intensifies, we recognize that diverse values are important for the sustainable development of our business. Employees with varied backgrounds are active globally in the Inabata Group. To allow everyone to fully demonstrate their strengths, we focus on improving measures and systems for fair employment, placement, evaluation, treatment, and promotion regardless of race, religion, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. We strive to foster an organizational culture that respects the individuality and abilities of each employee, accepts and utilizes diversity, and facilitates teamwork. We also promote diversity and inclusion as part of the materiality issue of “fostering and strengthening the human capital driving the value creation.”
The Inabata Group has a diversity and inclusion promotion system in place where the senior managing executive officer in charge of administrative affairs bears the ultimate responsibility while the Human Resources Office coordinates efforts. Cooperating with all departments, we endeavor to create a workplace environment where diverse human resources can make the most of their strengths and continue to work energetically.
Promoting Active Roles for Women
Inabata strongly promotes action plans to create an employment environment where women play active roles, and to support work-life balance in areas such as childcare and nursing care for both men and women. In April 2021, we announced our General Employer Action Plan in accordance with the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life. The Plan targets the following three indicators:
Targets (three-year period from April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2024) | FY2021 |
Evaluation |
Target 1: Increase the ratio of women in managerial positions (manager or higher) to 5% or higher | 3.7% | △ |
Target 2: Ensure that at least 20% of new graduates hired to Staff positions are women | 38.5% | 〇 |
Target 3: Increase the ratio of women in Staff positions to 15% or higher | 13.6% | △ |
Note: Targets 1 and 3 show figures as of March 2022. Target 2 is calculated based on the number of new graduates who received unofficial job offers in FY2021 and joined the company in April 2022.
Main Initiatives
- Communicate messages from top management via the company intranet portal or internal newsletters
- Hold workshops for women in Staff positions
- Provide a career transition system (facilitating transition from Staff to Assistant positions, and vice versa):
Briefings on career changes and interviews with women in Assistant positions - Introduce a work-from-home system to help employees balance work with childcare, nursing care, or treatment for nonoccupational injuries or illnesses
- Arrange information exchanges and social events on themes such as how to design your own career or work styles for female salespersons, in collaboration with other companies in the same industry
- Introduce mentoring systems

Helping Senior Employees Continue Working
We are creating an environment where senior employees can continue to work even after reaching the mandatory retirement age, making use of their wealth of knowledge and experience. In FY2022, we undertook the following measures:
- Raised the mandatory retirement age from 60 to 65 and established Senior positions for staff aged 60 to 65
- Established a system to rehire staff aged 65 to 70 as nonregular employees in a phased manner
- Provided career training and skills development support for staff in their 40s and 50s
Developing National Staff
The Inabata Group regards human resources and information as strengths. Therefore, it is essential to improve the level of the national staff working around the world to achieve long-term growth.
Since 2014, we have been hosting Global Staff Meetings to share our Mission, our Vision, and the IK Values, and to stimulate exchanges among human resources beyond national borders and cultures. Selected national staff from group company of the world are invited to the Tokyo Head Offices where we engage in lively discussions through group work conducted in English over the course of two days. We have not been able to host these meetings since FY2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but plan to resume the meetings as we keep an eye on the situation in society.
In Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia, we support education and training, as well as systems development, that are tailored to the individual or specific issues and circumstances in each country. Our educational programs aim to raise the overall standard of national staff by using multilingual e-learning to deliver basic technical skills training, such as business rules, and manager development training.
These training programs are designed to develop the global human resources that the Inabata Group needs.
Helping People with Disabilities Work
Inabata strives to expand employment opportunities, and improve the quality of the work, for people with diverse disabilities.
We recruit candidates for employment opportunities throughout the year, primarily via the government-run Hello Work job centers. Once an individual has joined the company, we coordinate with employment support organizations and conduct regular interviews to follow up with the individual. We support the retention and success of those individuals by providing staff at the relevant departments and the Human Resources Office with training for a basic understanding of disabilities and their characteristics, among other efforts. We also prepare subtitles for training videos and use live transcription in online meetings to assist employees with hearing impairments.