Information Disclosure Guidelines
[Basic Policy]
The Company shall strive to improve the corporate value continuously while aiming to form an appropriate evaluation by society and the market by realizing highly transparent management through timely and appropriate information disclosure.
[Disclosure Information]
The Company shall perform timely and appropriate information disclosure based on the timely disclosure rules (Securities Listing Regulations and Enforcement Rules) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and laws and regulations such as Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Companies Act.
Moreover, the Company shall proactively disclose information not limited to legal requirements, that is deemed useful information for stakeholders, such as those regarding business operation and management policy.
[Methods of Disclosure]
The Company discloses information through the "Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet)" of the Tokyo Stock Exchange among other methods and strives to fairly and promptly disseminate information. After the information has been officially disclosed, the Company posts the information on its website.