




Energy and climate

Energy consumption
Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Electricity (MWh) 44,131 58,209 81,041
Hot water / cold water (GJ) - 0 1,119
Volatile oil (gasoline) (kL) - 87 517
Kerosene (kL) - 3 1.2
Light oil (kL) - 121 310
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (t) - 61 74.7
Other combustible natural gas (1,000 m3) - 0.2 0
City gas (1,000 m3) - 19 237
  • Notes:
  • 1. FY2022 coverage: Inabata & Co. and domestic and overseas consolidated subsidiaries
  • 2. FY2021 coverage: Inabata & Co., seven domestic consolidated subsidiaries, and seven overseas plastic compounding factories
  • 3. FY2020 coverage: Inabata & Co. and seven overseas plastic compounding factories
GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2)
Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Scope1(t-CO2e) CO2 from energy sources - 747 2,755
(CO2 from non-energy sources, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3)
- 0 0
Scope2(t-CO2e) Market-based 31,475 36,930 43,666
Location-based - 37,180 43,933
Total(t-CO2e) Scope 1 + Scope 2 (market-based) 31,475 37,677 46,421
Scope 1 + Scope 2 (location-based) - 37,927 46,688
GHG emissions intensity per sales (t-CO2e / ¥100 million) 10 9.4 6.3
  • Notes:
  • 1. FY2022 coverage: Inabata & Co. and domestic and overseas consolidated subsidiaries
  • 2. FY2021 coverage: Inabata & Co., seven domestic consolidated subsidiaries, and seven overseas plastic compounding factories
  • 3. FY2020 coverage: Inabata & Co. and seven overseas plastic compounding factories
  • 4. Domestic Scope 2 emission factors are calculated using the emission factor provided by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for each electric power company. Overseas Scope 2 emission factors until FY2021 are calculated using the country-specific emission factors in the List of Grid Emission Factors published by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, while the emission factors for FY2022 are calculated using the International Energy Agency (IEA) Emissions Factors 2022.
  • 5. Figures reported for FY2020 have been recalculated in accordance with updated emission factors.
  • 6. The emissions intensity per sales is based on the simple net value of sales within the calculation scope.
  • 7. Emissions intensity is based on Scope 1 + Scope 2 (market-based) GHG emissions.
GHG emissions (Scope 3)


Item FY2021 FY2022
1. Purchased goods and services 1,827,367 1,435,020
2. Capital goods 1,394 2,984
3. Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 80 71
4. Upstream transportation and distribution 52,547 55,189
5. Waste generated in operations 52 53
6. Business travel 888 2,377
7. Employee commuting 218 234
8. Upstream leased assets Not subject to calculation Not subject to calculation
Subtotal (upstream) 1,882,546 1,495,928
9. Downstream transportation and distribution Not subject to calculation Not subject to calculation
10. Processing of sold products Not subject to calculation Not subject to calculation
11. Use of sold products Not subject to calculation Not subject to calculation
12. End-of-life treatment of sold products 536,788 464,242
13. Downstream leased assets 70 64
14. Franchises Not subject to calculation Not subject to calculation
15. Investments Not subject to calculation Not subject to calculation
Subtotal (downstream) 536,858 464,306
Total 2,419,404 1,960,235
  • Notes:
  • 1. Coverage: Inabata & Co.
  • 2. Category 8 is not applicable as it is included in Scope 1 and 2.
  • 3. Categories 9 and 10 are excluded from calculations as they are difficult to determine or reasonably estimate since there is a wide range of products sold and forwarding destinations.
  • 4. Categories 11, 14, and 15 are not applicable as they are outside the scope of relevant business activities.
  • 5. Category 12 is calculated based on items for which weight-based data can be collected.
  • 6. FY2021 data for Category 3 was recalculated and reported due to an error in the scope of calculation.

Pollution Prevention / Resource Circulation

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Nitrogen oxide (NOx) (t) 0 0 1
Sulfur oxide (SOx) (t) 0 0 0
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) (t) 0 0 101
Waste (t) Total 67 76 8,645
Waste recycled 48 57 5,005
Waste non recycled 19 19 3,640
Waste recycling rate (%) 72 75 58
Hazardous waste (t) 0 0 1,929
Paper purchased (copy paper) (thousands of sheets) 3,563 2,925 2,442
Green purchasing ratio of office supplies, etc. (%) 64 76 68
  • Notes:
  • 1. FY2022 coverage (excluding paper purchased, green purchasing ratio of office supplies, etc.): Inabata & Co., domestic consolidated manufacturing subsidiaries, and overseas consolidated manufacturing subsidiaries
  • 2. FY2022 coverage (paper purchased, green purchasing ratio of office supplies, etc.): Inabata & Co.
  • 3. Waste for overseas resin compound manufacturing business bases is calculated based only on resin, the main material.
  • 2. FY2020 and FY2021 coverage: Inabata & Co.

Water Resources

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Discharge amount by discharge destination (1,000 m3) Total 6 6 156
Ocean 0 0 0
River / lake (fresh surface water) 0 0 0
Groundwater 0 0 0
Sewage (third-party treated) 6 6 156
Water withdrawal amount by withdrawal source (1,000 m3) Total 6 6 270
River / lake (fresh surface water) 0 0 0
Groundwater 0 0 6
Water supply / industrial water 6 6 264
Rainwater 0 0 0
Sea water 0 0 0
Water withdrawals/consumption in water-stressed regions (m3) 0 0 0
Number of violations related to water quality / water withdrawals (violations of permits, standards, regulations, etc.) 0 0 0
  • Notes:
  • 1. FY2022 coverage: Inabata & Co., domestic consolidated manufacturing subsidiaries, and overseas consolidated manufacturing subsidiaries
  • 2. FY2020 and FY2021 coverage: Inabata & Co.

Environmental Management

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of environmental law violations 0 0 0
Environmental fines and penalties (yen) 0 0 0
  • Notes:
  • 1. FY2022 coverage: Inabata & Co. and domestic and overseas consolidated subsidiaries
  • 2. FY2020 and FY2021 coverage: Inabata & Co.

Environmental Business

Sales of products that reduce environmental impact by field
Fields Main items FY2021
(millions of yen)
(millions of yen)
Total 18,727 26,957
Energy & Power Renewable energy, batteries, etc. 13,463 17,518
Resources & Environment Sustainable materials, recycling, water, etc. 4,201 7,585
Materials & Chemicals Low-carbon materials, environmental pollutant reduction, etc. 735 1,537
Agriculture & Food Food waste reduction, soil improvement, etc. 0 0
Transportation & Logistics EV charging, green logistics, etc. 0 0
Environmental certification Forestry certifications (FSC and PEFC), marine product certifications (MSC and ASC), etc. 328 317
  • Notes:
  • 1. Coverage: Inabata & Co. and domestic and overseas consolidated subsidiaries.
  • 2. There are no results for Agriculture & Food or Transportation & Logistics in FY2021 and FY2022.
  • 3. Totals are simple sums.
  • 4. FY2021 net sales have been recalculated to match a 2023 review and partial reclassification of products within each field. Although there are variations in figures for each item and field reported in the previous fiscal year, totals remain unchanged.


Employee Status (non-consolidated / consolidated)

Number of employees, managerial position ratio, gender ratio

Ratio is listed in ( )

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY20202
Men Women Men Women Men Women
Inabata Group
Total (people) - - 4,316
Management - - - - 491
Non-management - - - - 1,978
Inabata & Co. Total (people) 536 552 589
Management - - 115
Non-management - - 219
Domestic consolidated subsidiaries Total (people) - 399 407
Management - - 77
Non-management - - 219
Overseas consolidated subsidiaries Total (people) - 3,312 3,320
Management - - 254
Non-management - - 1,547
  • Notes:
  • 1. As of the end of each fiscal year (March 31). FY2021 figures for overseas consolidated subsidiaries are as of July 31, 2022.
  • 2. Numbers for domestic and overseas consolidated subsidiaries include employees seconded from Inabata & Co.

Employee Status (by area)

Number of employees, managerial position ratio, gender ratio

Ratio is listed in ( )

Item FY2021 FY20202
Men Women Men Women
Japan Total (people) 951 996
Management 192
Non-management 438
Southeast Asia Total (people) 2,459 2,492
Management 129
Non-management 1,154
Northeast Asia Total (people) 475 470
Management 77
Non-management 172
The Americas Total (people) 304 285
Management 31
Non-management 195
Europe Total (people) 73 73
Management 16
Non-management 26
  • Notes:
  • 1. As of the end of each fiscal year (March 31). FY2021 figures for areas other than Japan are as of July 31, 2022.
  • 2. Numbers for domestic and overseas consolidated subsidiaries include employees seconded from Inabata & Co.

Labor Practices / Diversity

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Men Women Men Women Men Women
Ratio of women in managerial positions (%) 2.6 3.6 3.7
Number of non-Japanese staff (people) 6 11 7
Number of employees by age Under 30 years old Total 133 139 149
Men / Women 66 67 64 75 61 88
30–39 years old Total 158 156 167
Men / Women 106 52 105 51 109 58
40–49 years old Total 166 163 158
Men / Women 107 59 106 57 105 53
50–59 years old Total 165 168 183
Men / Women 137 28 140 28 144 39
60 years old and over Total 34 46 52
Men / Women 26 8 33 13 40 12
Number of hires New graduates (people) Total 20 24 26
Men / Women 10 10 13 11 8 18
Retention rate (3 years) for new graduates (%) 89 88 96
Mid-career (people) Total 15 20 31
Men / Women 12 3 13 7 20 11
Ratio of regular employees hired mid-career (%) 43 45 54
Voluntary turnover rate (%) 3.2 3.5 2.3
Number of employees rehired (after mandatory retirement, etc.) (people) - - 27
Number of employees rehired under the job return system - - 2
Employment of person with disabilities*1 Number of employees (people) 14 14 20
Employment rate (%) 2.05 2.08 2.65
Average age Total 41.1 41.4 42.0
Men / Women 43.1 38.1 43.7 37.1 44.3 37.8
Average years of employment Total 14.8 14.9 13.8
Men / Women 16.1 11.1 16.4 11.8 15.6 10.5
Average annual salary (thousand yen) 8,506 8,609 9,141
Gender wage gap (%)*2 All employees - - 56.3
Regular employees - - 57.0
Professionals - - 97.1
Staff - - 94.7
Assistants - - 91.9
Non-regular employees - - 47.6
Total annual working hours per employee (hours/year) 1,907 1,917 1,904
Monthly average overtime working hours (hours/month) 14.2 11.4 14.1
Average annual paid leave Days taken (days) 9.2 10.4 11.0
Utilization rate (%) 48.7 56.1 60.5
Childcare leave Number of employees taking leave (people) Total 8 23 10
Men / Women 1 7 17 6 5 5
Utilization rate (%) Total 25.8 46.9 37.5
Men / Women 4.2 100 34.6 100 21.1 100
Rate of employees returning to work (%) 100 100 100
Number of employees taking nursing care leave (people) 0 0 0
  • Notes:
  • 1. Coverage: Inabata & Co. (including employees seconded to Group companies)
  • 2. As of the end of each fiscal year (March 31)
  • *1 The figures for each fiscal year are as of June 1 of the following fiscal year.
  • *2 “All employees” refers to regular employees and non-regular employees.
    “Regular employees” includes employees in three position categories: “Professionals” which refers to those in management positions engaged in core duties; “Staff,” which refers to those in non-management positions engaged in core duties; and “Assistants,” which refers to those engaged mainly in support duties. Senior positions are calculated in accordance with their respective grades and divided into the three aforementioned position categories.
    “Non-regular employees” includes unretired senior employees working on a fixed-term contract or special fixed-term contract but excludes temporary employees. The difference in wages between men and women is due to the difference in the personnel composition by position and the difference in the personnel composition for qualification classifications (“bands”); there are no gap in wages for the same duty type. Accordingly, there is minimal gap in wages between men and women for the positions of professionals, staff, and assistants.

Human Resources Development

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Total time for employee skills development training (hours) 473 394 440
Total number of employees participating in training for skills development (people) 906 1,070 1,138
Average training hours per employee per year (hours) 0.7 0.6 0.6
Average training expenditure per employee per year (yen) 39,504 34,099 50,776

Note: Coverage: Inabata & Co. (including employees seconded to Group companies)

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement survey
Item FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of employees surveyed Total 1,400 1,697 1,901
Inabata & Co. 587 606 652
Main overseas trading offices 813 1,091 1,249
Response status Response rate (%) 49 73 72
Main items (%)*1 Engagement
I am satisfied with the work I am doing at Inabata now.
70 73 76
Relationship with superiors
I have the necessary collaboration with my supervisor at work.
75 80 80
Organizational culture
When a problem occurs in the course of my duties, my supervisor and the people around me provide appropriate support.
83 85 83
Corporate philosophy
I can relate to Inabata’s philosophy, vision, and management policies, and I want to participate in achieving them.
70 73 73
Human resources system and benefits
Inabata’s salary standards are satisfactory, compared to other companies in the same industry.
59 55 57
Human resources system and training
Inabata supports employee training to improve their skills.
41 48 54
Work-life balance
Overtime is kept to a level that is acceptable for me.
64 69 75
  • *1 From among a five-point evaluation by employees (5. Strongly agree / 4. Agree / 3. Neither agree nor disagree / 2. Disagree / 1. Strongly disagree), the ratio of positive responses (5. and 4.)

Occupational Health and Safety

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Health checkup attendance rate (%)*1 - - 100
Stress check*1 Number of employees who attended 501 568 617
Attendance rate (%) - - 87.5
Number of employees who attended health and safety training
Safe driving training (e-learning) 88 51 32
Earthquake/safety confirmation training*2 Approx. 600 May 603
December 609
May 633
December 623
Firefighting training (on-site training)*3 Tokyo 52
Osaka 20
77 self-defense fire brigade members in Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya 80 self-defense fire brigade members in Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya
Number of occupational accidents
(regular employees)
Fatalities Total 0 0 0
Inabata & Co. 0 0 0
Domestic consolidated subsidiaries - - 0
Overseas consolidated manufacturing subsidiaries 0 0 0
Lost-time injuries Total - - 28
Inabata & Co. - - 0
Domestic consolidated subsidiaries - - 1
Overseas consolidated manufacturing subsidiaries - - 27
Non-lost-time injuries Total - - 8
Inabata & Co. - - 0
Domestic consolidated subsidiaries - - 1
Overseas consolidated manufacturing subsidiaries - - 7
Number of occupational accidents
(temporary employees and contract employees)
Fatalities Total 0 0 0
Inabata & Co. 0 0 0
Domestic consolidated subsidiaries - - 0
Overseas consolidated manufacturing subsidiaries 0 0 0
Lost-time injuries Total - - 8
Inabata & Co. - - 0
Domestic consolidated subsidiaries - - 4
Overseas consolidated manufacturing subsidiaries - - 4
Non-lost-time injuries Total - - 5
Inabata & Co. - - 0
Domestic consolidated subsidiaries - - 1
Overseas consolidated manufacturing subsidiaries - - 4
Lost-time injury frequency rate
(regular employees)*4
Total 3.82 4.11 4.11
Inabata & Co. 0 0 0
Domestic consolidated subsidiaries - - 1.81
Overseas consolidated manufacturing subsidiaries 6.34 6.62 5.30
Lost-time injury severity rate
(regular employees)*5
Total 0.01 0.03 0.09
Inabata & Co. 0 0 0
Domestic consolidated subsidiaries - - 0.01
Overseas consolidated manufacturing subsidiaries 0.02 0.05 0.12
  • *1 Coverage: Inabata & Co. (including employees seconded to Group companies)
  • *2 Due to factors such as using the earthquake/safety confirmation system to respond to COVID-19, we only ascertained the approximate number in FY2020.
  • *3 In FY2020, as a result of postponing on-site training due to the spread of COVID-19, there was voluntary training which consisted of viewing videos. In FY2021 and FY2022, due to concerns about the spread of COVID-19, we postponed on-site training, and conducted first-aid training using videos for all self-defense fire brigade members at our offices in Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya.
  • *4 (Number of casualties due to occupational accidents requiring at least one day off work / Total actual working hours) × 1,000,000. The industry average (wholesalers and retailers with 100 or more employees) was 1.98 in FY2022 (based on the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s 2021 Survey on Industrial Accidents). Comparison with Inabata & Co.
  • *5 (Total working days lost / Total actual working hours) × 1,000. The industry average (wholesalers and retailers with 100 or more employees) was 0.05 in FY2022 (based on theMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s 2021 Survey on Industrial Accidents). Comparison with Inabata & Co.

Social Contribution Activities

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of employees taking leave for volunteering*1 - - -
Total amount of donations, activity expenses, etc., that contribute to society*2 (millions of yen) 8 8 28
Results of main social contribution activities Support for the activities of the Sociedade Luso-Nipónica de Osaka*3 (10,000 yen)*3 80 0 80
Académie de musique françaisede Kyoto Number of participants*4 Canceled 67 101
French music competition
Number of winners of Inabata Award (since 1974)**5
Cumulative 47
Cumulative 48
Cumulative 49
Acceptance of international students from the emlyon (since 1994)*6 Canceled Canceled Canceled
Support for the Shougaisha Jiritsu Suishin Kikou Association*7 Bronze Partner Bronze Partner Bronze Partner
  • Note: Coverage: Inabata & Co.
  • *1 Activities approved for this system after the occurrence of a severe disaster. Four people used this system as volunteers for recovery after the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake.
  • *2 Main donations include cultural support for the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, the Osaka Symphony Orchestra, the Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra, etc., and community support for the Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund, etc.
  • *3 There were no expenditures in FY2021 as a result of regular meetings being canceled due to COVID-19.
  • *4 A Japan–France music exchange program sponsored by Inabata. Top-class musicians are invited from France and master classes are held for about two weeks. The program provides a valuable opportunity for young Japanese musicians to receive high-quality education in French music. Canceled in FY2020 due to COVID-19. Held online in FY2021.
  • *5 At the French music competition sponsored by Fondation Culturelle Kansei de Ashiya, the Inabata Award (named after Inabata Co. & Ltd.) is awarded every year to the best performer in the vocal or piano category.
  • *6 Friendship activities with Lyon, France, where our founder studied abroad. From FY2020 to FY2022, activities were canceled due to COVID-19. A cumulative total of 26 people were accepted into the program as of FY2019.
  • *7 In addition to providing support as a partner, we used a work from Paralym Art, a program which is managed and operated by the association, as the design for our shareholder incentive (QUO cards).


Corporate Governance

In June 2022, we transitioned from a company with an audit & supervisory board to a company with an audit and supervisory committee.

Composition of directors and officers As of July 1, 2021 As of July 1, 2022 As of July 1, 2023
(excluding Audit and Supervisory Committee members) (people)
[Number of directors is shown for 2021]
Total 9 7 7
Internal Men 6 5 5
Women 0 0 0
Independent outside Men 2 1 1
Women 1 1 1
(Audit and Supervisory Committee members) (people)
[Number of Audit & Supervisory Board members is shown for 2021]
Total 5 4 5
Internal Men 2 0 0
Women 0 0 0
Independent outside Men 3 4 5
Women 0 0 0
Executive officers *1(people) Total 11 11 13
Men 11 11 13
Women 0 0 0
Audit and supervisory officers (people) Total - 1 1
Men - 1 1
Women - 0 0
  • *1 Includes directors and executive officers (2021: 5; 2022 and 2023: 4).

Attendance Status for Meetings of the Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board, Audit and Supervisory Committee, and Nominating and Remuneration Committee

In June 2022, we transitioned from a company with an audit & supervisory board to a company with an audit and supervisory committee.

Attendance rate is listed in ( )

Position Name Independent outside Meetings of the Board of Directors Meetings of the Audit & Supervisory Board (until June 2022) Meetings of the Audit and Supervisory Committee (From June 2022) Nominating and Remuneration Committee
Until June 2022 Since June 2022 Number attended Number attended Number attended Number attended
Directors Katsutaro Inabata 16/16 times (100%) - - 7/7 times (100%)
Toyohiro Akao 16/16 times (100%) - - -
Kenichi Yokota 16/16 times (100%) - - -
Masahiro Sugiyama 16/16 times (100%) - - -
Noriomi Yasue (retired in June 2022) 2/3 times (67%) - - -
Kenji Ohno 16/16 times (100%) - - -
Kiyoshi Sato 16/16 times (100%) - - 10/10 times (100%)
Takako Hagiwara 16/16 times (100%) - - 10/10 times (100%)
Directors Directors
(Audit and Supervisory Committee members)
Kenji Hamashima 16/16 times (100%) - 11/11 times times (100%) 10/10 times (100%)
Audit & Supervisory Board members Directors
(Audit and Supervisory Committee members)
Satoshi Tamai
(appointed in June 2022)
13/13 times (100%) 3/3 times times (100%) 11/11 times times (100%) -
- Directors
(Audit and Supervisory Committee members)
Minoru Sanari
(appointed in June 2022)
13/13 times (100%) - 11/11 times times (100%) -
- Directors
(Audit and Supervisory Committee members)
Tomokazu Fujisawa
(appointed in June 2022)
13/13 times (100%) - 11/11 times times (100%) -
Audit & Supervisory Board members - Yoshitaka Takahashi
(retired in June 2022)
3/3 times (100%) 3/3 times (100%) - -
Audit & Supervisory Board members - Katsuya Yanagihara
(retired in June 2022)
3/3 times (100%) 3/3 times (100%) - -
Audit & Supervisory Board members - Nobukazu Kuboi
(retired in June 2022)
3/3 times (100%) 3/3 times (100%) - -
  • Notes:
  • 1. Interviews with director and executive officer candidates by the Nominating and Remuneration Committee (three times) were conducted only by independent outside directors.
  • 2. Kenji Hamashima’s attendance at meetings of the Board of Directors includes the period in which he served as an independent outside director from April 1, 2022, to the closing of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 22, 2022.
  • 3. Satoshi Tamai’s attendance at meetings of the Board of Directors does not include three meetings attended during the period in which he served as an Audit & Supervisory Board member from April 1, 2022, to the closing of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 22, 2022.


FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of whistleblower reports/consultations*1 (cases) 2 10 2
Number of serious compliance violations (including labor standards) (cases) 0 0 0
Political contributions (yen) 0 0 0
Number of dismissals and disciplinary actions due to non-compliance with anti-corruption policy (cases) 0 0 0
Penalties, surcharges, and settlements related to corruption (10,000 yen) 0 0 0
  • Notes: Coverage: Inabata & Co.
  • *1 Includes the number of consultations to the “counseling desk” that was newly established from FY2021.


Management System Certification Status (As of June 20, 2023)

Organization ISO14001
JFS-C Standard
(Food Safety)
Inabata & Co., Ltd. Osaka Head Office
Tokyo Head Office
Nagoya Office
Shiojiri Office
Kyushu Office
I & P Co., Ltd. Factory
Saitama Factory
Ikkoen Co., Ltd. Head Office/Processing Center
Kanto Processing Center
Amagasaki Market Division
Inabata Fine Tech Co., Ltd. Head Office
Tokyo Branch
Nagoya Branch
Takamatsu Sales Office
N・I・C Co., Ltd. Head Office
Sendai Sales Office
Kanto Factory
Ordiy Co., Ltd. Head Office
Tokyo Branch
Nagoya Sales Office
Kyushu Sales Office
Kansai Kobunshi Co., Ltd. Head Office
Taiyo Plastics Co., Ltd. Head Office/Factory (Saitama Prefecture)
Niigata Factory
Number of certified locations 15 7 0 1
Certification rate 63% 29% 0% 4%
Organization ISO14001
INABATA SINGAPORE Singapore Head Office
Istanbul Main Branch
S-IK COLOR (M) Malaysia Head Office
INABATA MALAYSIA Malaysia Head Office
Johor Office
Penang Office
INABATA INDONESIA Indonesia Head Office
Surabaya Office
S-IK INDONESIA Indonesia Head Office
SIK VIETNAM Vietnam Head Office
INABATA VIETNAM Vietnam Head Office
Ho Chi Minh City Branch
APPLE FILM DA NANG Vietnam Head Office
INABATA THAI Thailand Head Office
Sriracha Office
Yangon Branch
IKT CONSULTING Thailand Head Office
SIK (THAILAND) Thailand Head Office
APPLE FILM Thailand Head Office
INABATA INDIA India Head Office
Chennai Office
Pune Office
Ahmedabad Office
INABATA PHILIPPINES Philippines Head Office
INABATA SANGYO (H.K.) Hong Kong Head Office
Beijing Branch
Chengdu Branch
Chongqing Office
Hefei Branch
Nanjing Branch
Ningbo Office
Wuxi Office
GUANGZHOU INABATA Guangzhou Head Office
Dongguan Branch
Shenzhen Branch
Wuhan Office
INABATA KOREA Korea Head Office
Taichung Office
Tainan Branch
Taipei Office
Detroit Office
Los Angeles Office
DNI GROUP U.S. Head Office
NH INABATA Mexico Head Office
Tijuana Office
IK MEXICO Mexico Head Office
INABATA EUROPE GmbH Germany Head Office
INABATA FRANCE France Head Office
Number of certified locations 16 17 1 7
Certification rate 27% 29% 2% 12%

Sustainability Certification Status (As of January 11, 2024)

Certification Name Certification Content Certification Scope Certification Code
FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Certification Properly managed forest timber certification Inabata & Co.
Information & Electronics Division III
Inabata & Co.
Chemicals Division Housing Materials Department
Inabata & Co.
Plastics Division II
PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) Certification Promoting sustainable forest management certification system Inabata & Co.
Chemicals Division Housing Materials Department
MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) Certification Certification of sustainably managed fisheries that consider aquatic resources and the environment Inabata & Co./
Inabata Europe GmbH
ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) Certification Certification of aquaculture products produced responsibly Inabata & Co./
Inabata Europe GmbH
ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) Certification Certification system for managing and guaranteeing biomass and recycled materials as sustainable raw materials using mass balance method in the supply chain Inabata & Co.
Tokyo Head Office
PT. Inabata Indonesia ISCC-PLUS-Cert-PL214-11274996
Inabata Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. ISCC-PLUS-Cert-MY231-2024007
GGL (Green Gold Label) Certification Certification guaranteeing sustainable biomass fuel and its traceability Inabata & Co. CU 898578GGL01-01.2024
  • Notes:
    All CoC (Chain of Custody) Certification.